Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Robsten's Date Night!

It was Date Night in Baton Rogue for Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart!! They reportedly went on a date at a restaurant and banned patrons from using cameras during their visit. According to E! Online The had a quiet dinner at The Loft and before their arrival,  they requested that all diners put away their cameras.

Onlookers said they then arrived with co-star Kellan Lutz. E! Online said an observer said " they looked tired but in good spirits."  Pattinson and K-Stew are then said to have spent the whole night together and "sat next to each other and really didn't leave each others' sides", with a source adding that Rob touched Kristen's back as they "shared playful giggles."

They are massively adorable and I personally am glad they got a peaceful night out!

Info obtained from MTV

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