Wednesday, March 9, 2011

TwiTwitter Best Twilight RPG New Characters Available

I often blog about this RPG because it truly is an amazing RPG. Twi-Hards unite and continue the story where Stephanie Meyers left off. It goes by the books. The administrators and players have extensive knowledge about ALL the characters in the books. If they were spoke of even in one sentence they know! Bella and Charlie recently became available to play and are looking for creative, loyal, dedicated people to bring them to life, This could be you. Go to this website TwiTwitter and take a look around if you have twitter go to @Twi_Twit_Coven and Talk to the administrators and they will guide you through the very simple steps you need to do to get there.

No recruiting to other RPG's will be tolerated, So if that is your intention do not bother. We are a family and we stick together. Come Join the ever growing Twilight RPG have fun, win prizes and make friends!!

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