Monday, October 3, 2011

TwiHard Sound Off 5! HAIR! Lets Talk!

As we all know Vampires DON'T Change. However in the Twilight Saga one thing continues changing for our beloved vampires. Whats that? THEIR HAIR! So the Sound Off Question is: What Character's Hair Has changed the most and is it for the better or worse?


  1. Jacksn's hair has flip flopped on me. I like it then hate it. I loved it in Twilight and Breaking Dawn from what I can see. Poor Daddy Cullen. his hair just seemed to get worse from NM on. I have no problem with Eddie's hair in BD. most ppl get hair cuts before they get married and I think its cute.
    I ain't even gonna mention the dead animal that Jake and Bella shared (him for NM and her for Eclipse) *pssh* anyhoooo thats my sound off.

  2. Hmmm i dont pay that much attention to their hair but if i have to chose, it would have to be bella because it went from dark chocolate to black to brunette with slight auburn hightlights or at least that is how i describe it.
