Tuesday, October 11, 2011

HAIR Sound Off Twi Hards Speak Out!

Hair today gone tomorrow? in some cases we might just wish that!! Many people have made comments regarding the drastic changes in the Twilight characters hair through out the movies. So @Adawnn1 and I had the idea to ask the Twilight fans what they thought? Here is what you all think:

@Jude0522 :  First off Rosalie...it couldn't get much worse than New Moon, and luckily it didn't. Thanks to David Slade for getting it right in Eclipse. Her hair for battle training was super cute. Jasper...oh Jasper stole my heart in Eclipse! I never gave him or his hair a passing glance until then. I think he is looking his best in Breaking Dawn. Carlisle...don't get me started...PFach is WAY to attractive to be stuck with a bad Carlisle hairstyle in BD...very disappointing. And Edward--OH EDWARD. I love him unconditionally and I like his look in each movie. I feel that even though his character hasn't aged, he has matured. His look is exactly where it needs to be in Breaking Dawn. Sigh..

Margret Tolken : I am not a fan of Alice's hair in the Part 1 movie its too short

@holbol1960  rosalie- nm epic hair fail, jasper nm epic hair fail! bella-eclipse partial fail (sometimes it looked just fine) and the biggest fail of epic proportions seems to be Carlise- BD (it is a huge WTF?)

G. Bashkin: I do not like Carlisle's hair it looks ridiculous

@Twimom101 : Jackson's hair has flip flopped on me. I like it then hate it. I loved it in Twilight and Breaking Dawn from what I can see. Poor Daddy Cullen. his hair just seemed to get worse from NM on. I have no problem with Eddie's hair in BD. most ppl get hair cuts before they get married and I think its cute.
I ain't even gonna mention the dead animal that Jake and Bella shared (him for NM and her for Eclipse) *pssh* anyhoooo thats my sound off.

Naomi.T.: I love Jaspers hair best yet!

@JessNBP: Hmmm i dont pay that much attention to their hair but if i have to chose, it would have to be bella because it went from dark chocolate to black to brunette with slight auburn hightlights or at least that is how i describe it.

Eleanor: Rosalie's hair was hideous in Twilight. It was such a turnoff I was watching it thinking isn't she supposed to be like the most prettiest of them all? I thought it made her ugly thank god they gave her a wig. It saved her a bit but I still think she isn't that pretty.

I think papa Cullen's hair looks horrible in BD.
Alice's hair looks great in all movies :)

B.B : I liked Esmes hair lighter, it looks like its getting darker and it isn't the better move

@FacetsOfChaos : Alice looks like a soccer mom I agree with what letters to twilight said! Carlisle I think what they are trying to do is make him look older since the cullens have to pull off fake aging. in that aspect he does look older and change in appearance can age you. 

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