Friday, September 16, 2011

Melissa Rosenberg's Take on the BD Trailer!

Since the release of the Breaking Dawn trailer all you can hear is the buzzing of opinions and squeals of excitement. But as the dust starts to settle ( barely) we begin to hear from all sorts of people about the amazing 2 minute and 30 second trailer. One being from the Screenwriter herself Melissa Rosenberg.

According to the LA Times Here is what she had to say about the Trailer:
"I think fans may be a little freaked out. There's some conflict with the wolves that they may not remember -- there's a lot of conflict in the book that's resolved with a conversation and we only hear about it. For this movie I was able to play off of that," Then weighing in on Robert Pattinson's Horror movie comments she did in fact address it, . "We're beginning to get into the second half of the film, which turns more into a horror story. The images of Bella -- trust me, it only gets more intense," Rosenberg says.

Like you weren't already freaking out right? 

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