Saturday, January 8, 2011

Honeymoon or cottage scene

So of course all anyone really talks about is the Honeymoon sex scene its what everyone says is their most anticipated scene But, what about after Bella has been transformed into a vampire and they have their first intimate moments in the cottage remember? :

He pulled my face to his with a sudden fierceness, a low moan in his throat. The sound sent the electric current running through my body into a near-frenzy, like I couldn’t get close enough to him fast enough. I heard the fabric tearing under our hands, and I was glad MY clothes, at least, were already destroyed. It was too late for his. It felt almost rude to ignore the pretty white bed, but we just weren’t going to make it that far.
My skin was so sensitive under his hands, too…He was all new, a different person as our bodies tangled gracefully into one on the sand-pale floor. No caution, no restraint. No fear–especially not that. We could love together–both active participants now. Finally equals.
Like our kisses before, every touch was more than I was used to. so much of himself he’d been holding back. Necessary at the time, but I couldn’t believe how much I’d been missing.
He had the most beautiful, perfect body in the world and I had him all to myself, and it didn’t feel like I was ever going to find a point where I would think, Now I’ve had enough for one day. I was always going to want more. And the day was never going to end. So, in such a situation, how did we ever STOP?

  Yeah Im Psyched!!!! WHat one are you more looking forward to now?

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