Friday, October 14, 2011

Twilight Soundoff Number 6! Who is your Favorite Wolf? And why?

Now I know a lot of people see The Twilight Saga as all Edward, Bella and Jacob. BUT there is more to the saga. THE WOLVES! A huge part of the way things play out is contributed to the amazing beasts. SO This weeks Sound Off Question is... Who is your favorite Wolf and why? Lets hear it Twi_Hards!


  1. OMG, Seth Clearwater of course. Simply because he's the most mature one out of the bunch even though he's one of the youngest. His alliance with Edward in Eclipse which progressed as a bond with The Cullens in BD was very striking and he also played a part in helping Jacob *cringes* come to terms with the reality that they should put the doggy hate BS and join with the Cullens for the greater good. (However, Paul is SO DAMN HOT!) lol

  2. Hmmm, well if we are going for looks, it would have to be Paul even though he's a jerk...he is nice to look at and not as creepy shirtless to ogle unlike Jacob who is just too young. If we are going personality wise, it would be Seth. He doesn't let the whole wolf/vamp hatred get in the way of the friendships he's formed with the Cullens. Sam is way too bossy and Quil imprinted on a little one which is weird to me. Leah's had it rough with the whole Sam/Emily thing but she never gave us reason to care much about her and Jared, well he didn't get much time in the books so who cares about him Am I forgetting anyone?? I'm so NOT a wolf girl so...*shrugs*
