Monday, August 1, 2011

Why Twitwitter is the best Twilight Role Playing Site Out There

There are many Twilight RPG's (Role Playing Games) Out there. No doubt if you Google you will find pages and pages. But Twitwitter has been successful for four years and counting. Many come and go but not this RPG! Now the Question is why? Why are they successful and others fail? I have researched many RPG's and can easily answer this question.
First, Twitwitter was born on the shoulders of a die hard Twihard fan who just so happens to be creative and bright. Her loyalty to the saga was contagious and drew in many Twilight lovers. Together the small group made the sight blossom.
Second, Loyalty. Every player is loyal. They take a part of their character with them where ever they go and will not stray. Trust me many sites have tried to pull the players away. Its a daily occurrence!
Third, Story Master, a creative mind dedicated to researching each character and aspect of the story. A force that continually pushes the future of the Twilight phenomenon to the edge. The brilliance of Story Master is the legs in which this RPG rests on.
Fourth, Fun! You can not be successful if it is not fun. Rosalie the Owner of the site and creator constantly has contests, prizes, and Alternate Universe Story lines that push each characters creativity that much further. The want to succeed rushes through your veins and you can't help but ask for more.

There are Characters available but I warn you they get scooped up fast and when grabbed last forever in the hands of their puppeteer. contact Rose on her twitter at @The_Blonde_1 or go onto the site and apply to join. Hope to see you there :)

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